Training, Consulting, Education
The Best of Both Worlds. Welcome to Double Pride's Training, Consulting and Education division, where we empower our diverse clients with strategies to find the best of both their worlds.
Double Pride Training offers teams of experts that are tailored to meet the interdisciplinary needs of your program, school, organization, or company.
With Teacher Trainers, Interpreter Trainers, Diversity Trainers, and Educational Media Experts, Double Pride assists our clients with a wide variety of training strategies, programs and applications. For examples, on-site multimedia presentations utilizing multi modal/sensory approaches, comprehensive printed materials, and evaluation strategies to maximize the long term effectiveness of initial successes are all methods that we regularly utilize.
Through Teambuilding Events and Continuing Education in your field (CEUs offered), we provide stimulating learning sessions to support you in overcoming the challenges of burn out. We offer unique training and education solutions in a safe energizing environment that inspires greater productivity and effectiveness in work relationships.
THE DEAF COMMUNITY We specialize in working with the Deaf Community worldwide to build stronger bridges between deaf and hearing worlds. Our professional staff sign fluently in order to help deaf clients to work and learn more effectively in a hearing culture, having the best of both worlds.
For clients serving the Deaf Community, we use our Double Pride Four strategy for addressing the specific needs resulting from our client’s four “cultural identity” groups two key deaf groups and two key hearing groups.
The Double Pride Four strategy is especially effective in empowering members of the deaf community, educators, mental health professionals, sign language interpreters and others. Visit our web site for more.
Schools for the deaf are the heart and soul of the Deaf Community. Double Pride Interdisciplinary Teams bring together teachers, administrators, school counselors, dorm counselors, students, parents and interpreters, giving each group specialized training developed to meet the goals. Additionally we work with each group on interpersonal skills and the interdependence necessary in our changing world.
STAFF TRAINING Double Pride training programs can help staff members to utilize Double Pride Four techniques in the Deaf Community. Staff members become more fluent in both languages (at any stage), and more culturally competent in both worlds, while being trained to take it to the next step.
TEAMBUILDING Through our fun and educational Team-building programs and events, each staff member can learn and evolve at his or her own pace while becoming a more comfortable part of the diverse whole. All our memorable Double Pride teambuilding programs utilize unique and educational group events that strive to entertain, empower, and educate everyone of every background equally.
Successful teamwork between staff members at school increases the opportunity for deaf and hard of hearing students to become successful at both school and work. Staff team-building programs and events aren't only enjoyable, they're effective.
Double Pride at Work brings Diversity Training to the workplace helping employers, employees, as well as the “bottom line”. In the Deaf Community, we address our clients' “cultural identity groups”, providing Training, Consulting, and Education services to both companies and organizations.
Click Here to find out how.
As with our Training division, Double Pride Consulting is also diverse in expertise, offering Organization and Management Consultants, Mental Health and Rehabilitation Experts, and Business Development and Technology Consultants, each empowered with Double Pride strategies for deaf and diverse individuals and groups.
We consult on site to assist:
All Schools from Preschools to High Schools
Colleges and Universities
Program and Health-Care Administrators
Diverse companies and organizations
Human Resources Professionals
Training Specialists
Managers and Supervisors
Deaf Education Professionals
Mental Health and Rehabilitation Leaders
Sign Language Teachers and Interpreter Trainers
We consult remotely through videophone and web conferencing ?in order to reduce travel while maximizing our capability, enabling us to make a bigger difference worldwide.
Double Pride Consultants can assist with the development and management of most deaf or multicultural programs. Assisting with grants, building comprehensive evaluation systems, and developing motivational strategies are what we specialize in.
At the management level, we can assist in reducing the amount of frustration from limited communication that can cause collisions between Deaf Culture and Hearing Culture. We know how these worlds collide, and we educate managers how to turn these cross-cultural collisions into cross-cultural connections.
Double Pride Education has been developed to address one major fact: There is just not enough quality bilingual curriculum for deaf and multi-cultural Americans.
Attention Please:
Preschools, Elementary through High Schools
Schools for the Deaf
Colleges and Universities
Mainstreamed Programs for the Deaf
Teachers of the Deaf, Administrators and Staff
PTAs, Students, and Families
Educational Interpreters
Double Pride is prepared with the leadership and capability to develop modern, state-of-the-art curriculum for deaf and multicultural educational systems including: strategic lesson plans, multicultural learning objectives, implementation strategies, comprehensive evaluation systems, deaf and multicultural education and motivation. Please visit
Click Here to learn more!
DIVERSITY AT SCHOOL School administrators, teachers, counselors, staff, and students all agree that they should be empowered by modern multicultural learning techniques, not restrained by them. Double Pride maximizes today's amazing level of technology to design the future of multicultural learning.